Tuesday, April 14, 2009

new phone!

i finally bought a new phone!!!

click here to find out more about it.

i am soooo happy.
it's so nice, with touch-screen and 3g and other features. and moreover, it's just Rp 2 million!
i even think that the Lg company had wrongly put the price
for it. but i'm lucky and glad that i canceled buying the iphone---so scared that i might lose it again, considering that i lost my previous phone ( click here ), since the iphone is very expensive.

here are some images of the phone:

i actually bought this vandyke-brown one.
i like the red line-hot!

okay, i still want to play with my new and attractive sexy phone.

wish you a dreamy night.
love love love,


Gita Ayunda Hasanusindhy said...

wah, panjang umur ni hp, baru mau beli juga.

memang sangat terjangkau sih buat hp model begini, tapi katanya belom ada 3gdan fitur2 oke lainnya ya?

review singkat dong buat bahan pertimbangan, ya ya ya? hehe

makasih :)

Janice Nerissa said...

iya nih..blm ada 3g.. blm ada wi-fi.. camera nya 3megapixel, tapi hasil foto sama video nya aku kurang suka.. tapi enak deh ni hp, termasuk sangat terjangkau buat touch screen. slama ini ga pernah hang.. suaranya lumayan bagus kok..yah memuaskan banget kok buat harga segitu.hehehe.. touch nya bisa pake stylus bisa pake jari..kalo pake kuku juga bisa, ga kayak iphone. hehe


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