Sunday, February 22, 2009

someone-ate-my-phone tragedy

be careful with your phones.
make sure they're safe before you eat.


while i was eating!

it was raining that night.
my friends and i were eating out at Jimbaran.
at Teba restaurant.
(don't you ever go there!!!!)

we sat beside the wash basin.
i sat exactly beside it.
the restaurant was very crowded.
full of japanese tourist.

at that time i brought with me my small rattan bag.

before the waiter served the meal,
i still had my phone.
i'm sure of it ,
because my friends saw me typing on my cell phone.

as the annoying waiter served the food,
i put my bag on the ground
because the table would be full of plates.
but i didn't put my phone inside my bag
because i thought that someone might accidentally kicked it.
i wore a dress that night, so i didn't have any pocket to put it inside.

so, on the table i put my phone.

i put it before the waiter-guy finished serving our orders.

then, he went back to the kitchen, i guess.

we were eating seafood,
so we used our hands to eat.
while we were eating,
i didn't pay attention to my phone,
i didn't touch a part of it.

after i finished eating,
i washed my hands.
and i intended to take photographs of my friends using my phone.

that was the moment i knew that IT vanished.
IT is not there on the table.
IT is not inside my bag, which was (as i expected) kicked.
IT was not under the table.
IT was not around our table.
IT was not inside any of my friends' bag.

IT was nowhere to be found.

i tried to call my number using my friend's phone,
but it was inactive.

it was the time when i concluded that someone took IT,
since i didn't turn IT off.

we interrogated the waiter,
thieves never admit that they are thieves.

IT will never ever come back to me.


what do you think exactly happened?

do you think that waiter-guy took it?

one thing that i'd like to say.
don't be careless.

take care and keep both of your eyes for your precious things.
or else.....

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